Contact The Beacon

310 Fifth Street • P. O. Box 817 • Palacios, Texas 77465
(361) 972-3009
Hours: Weekdays 9 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. (Closed Wednesday)
Weekends: Usually someone there working.

BEACON E-MAIL General Contact –

Ryan West – Publisher/Editor –

Brandi West – Advertising & Classifieds/Bookkeeping/Circulation –

To subscribe to the Palacios Beacon and have it delivered through the mail, bring or mail the appropriate subscription cost to the Palacios Beacon office at 310 Fifth Street or mail to the Palacios Beacon at P. O. Box 817, Palacios, Tx. 77465. A 1-year subscription is $40 for individuals with a mailing address inside Matagorda County and $50 for those with mailing addresses outside Matagorda County.

Deadline for submitting articles or advertising to be CONSIDERED for publication is 4:30 p.m. Friday. However, it is strongly advised to submit items as early as possible. Items submitted on Monday will be considered on a space-available basis only. There is no charge to have legitimate news items published. News items may be either mailed or brought to the Palacios Beacon office or via email to

To place a display ad (bordered ads that appear throughout the newspaper) call (361) 972-3009 or fax to (361) 972-2610 between 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays (closed Wednesday). You may also bring your advertising copy to the newspaper at 310 Fifth Street or email to Display advertising rates are $8 per column inch (1.7-inch wide by 1-inch deep). The Beacon page size is Non-SAU with 6 columns. Column wide is 1.7 inches. Each page measures 10.875-inches wide by 21.25 inches tall.

To place a classified ad (for sale/garage sale/etc.) the rate is $10 per week for 25-words or less. The deadline for classified ads is 10 a.m. Monday. Both display and classified ads must be paid in advance unless credit has been established with the Palacios Beacon. Classified ads can also be emailed to

There is a $50 charge for engagements and $75 for wedding stories (includes picture). Wedding stories are 10-col. inches, $8 for each additional column inch. Wedding stories must be submitted no later than three weeks after the ceremony to be published. Those submitted after three weeks of ceremony will be charged $8 per col. inch. The Beacon is not responsible for mistakes resulting from handwritten copy.

Obituaries published in the Palacios Beacon are provided either by the funeral home or family members. Standard length obituaries (10 col. inches) are $75. A $8 per col. inch rates applies to longer obituaries.

Birth announcements submitted within 4 weeks of birth by either the hospital or family member and are published free. There is a $20 fee for birth announcements submitted after 4 weeks of birth.

All “Letters to the Editor” must be signed by an individual or individuals. All letters must bear the handwritten signature of the writer and include the address and phone number(s) for verification purposes. (Address and phone number will not be printed.) Letters should not exceed 250 words and limited to one per person/per 30 day period. Letters endorsing or opposing an individual candidate(s) will not be published, however they may be run as paid political advertising. Letters published do not necessarily reflect the editorial policies or views of the Palacios Beacon or its staff.

Back issues of the newspaper for the current year are available for sale at The Palacios Beacon office for $1 each. Issues prior to the current year are available on-line at the Portal to Texas History.

All material published is at the sole discretion of the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to edit all letters and other articles submitted to meet space requirements, clarity or to avoid obscenity, or potentially libelous or slanderous content. The Palacios Beacon reserves the right to refuse or cancel any advertisement in whole or in part.

Any erroneous reflection on an individual, business or firm will be corrected if brought to the attention of the publisher. The Beacon’s liability for any mistake in any advertisement is limited to the value of the advertisement.

The Beacon is not responsible for any pictures not picked up within two weeks of publication. Pictures must be picked up at the Beacon office. The Beacon is not responsible for the return of unsolicited material.